
Kemono Rena - Digital Fox - VRC Avatar.

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Kemono Rena - Digital Fox - VRC Avatar.

21 ratings

This package contains Lune's Kemono Rena-Digital fox v1.0

Configured avatar is located in Rena-PC.unity scene for PC and
Rena-Quest.unity for quest, not configured as a prefab but as an unity scene.

VRC avatar sdk 3.0, phys bones supported, medium rating,
please use latest version in creator companion.


-Kemono Rena VRC ready for both, pc and quest
-compressed textures for faster download
-source PSD textures and substance for edits


This avatar works best if you lie in your average height to a shorter height
and then use play space modifiers to make your feet touch the ground.

if arms feel too long or too short you can configure the arm to length ratio
in the main menu > settings (gear tab) > ik tracking > arm to lenght ration,
something between 45-50% works best




----- Outfits

-Tamer outfit
-Golden bikini panties and top
-panties and lingerie leg wear

----- Body controllers:

-tail position (up, down, left right)
-breast size
-on/off chest fluff
-ears position

----- Gestures

Right Hand:

-Fist - Close eyes (pressure sensitive)
-Point - Surprise
-Peace - Closed eyes happy n_n
-RockNRoll - Sad
-Gun - Angry
-Thumbs up - Smirk

Left hand:

-Poin - blush
-Peace - blep

Social networks


Patreon - for supporting the creation of more avatars

Gumroad - for single time purchases

Twitch - most avatars are done on stream

Threads - in case melon husk fucks up

===== Licensing and Terms of Use - July 2023 =====

-The copyright of this model belongs to Lune Snowtail.
-Model/avatar can be uploaded to vrchat, neosvr, chilloutvr and similar platforms as long as avatar stays private and cant be copied by others.
-The license for this model is for personal use only.
-Modifications of this model are allowed for personal use.
-The model can be used for monetization on YouTube, Twitch and similar platforms.
-The model can be used in 18+ and other adult purposes.
-Taking commissions to edit this avatar is allowed, commissioner should own a copy of the model.
-Redistribution or sale of this model and derivate works is not allowed.
-Redistribution or sale of source files and derivate works is not allowed
-Using this model for harassments, political or religious activities is not allowed.

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